The new Netflix survival drama Keep Breathing strands its star Melissa Barrera in the Northern wilderness, and the show's ending reveals whether or not her character Liv survived her ordeal. Survival drama has been making a comeback in recent years, with movies like 2017's Jungle and TV shows like the underrated 2021 mystery seriesYellowjackets focusing on the perennially popular topic of likable protagonists being forced to endure unimaginable hardship. Netflix's new miniseriesKeep Breathing is the latest in this string of recent survival drama hits.

Starring Scream 2022 heroine Melissa Barrera, Keep Breathing tells the simple, self-contained story of Liv. An ambitious lawyer who has little time for life outside work, Liv focuses all of her time and attention on her job as a securities litigator and has no bandwidth for a romantic or personal life. This proves to be a problem for the Netflix show series heroine when Liv abruptly leaves work without informing anyone and hops on a plane to visit her estranged mother in Inuvik.

The issue is that Liv's plane is delayed and she fears that a later arrival will cause her to miss a reunion with her mother, which is the purpose of her ill-fated trip. Unlike the unfortunate anti-heroines of Yellowjackets, Liv's brutal wilderness survival trek is at least partially caused by a last-minute decision that she makes while panicked at the airport. Overhearing two men conversing about their private plan trip passing through Inuvik, Liv offers the men a thousand dollars each to bring her to the remote Canadian town. The duo accepts the bargain but, when their plane crashes and the two men perish, Live discovers that Sam and George weren't the pilot and nature photographer they claimed to be and, as such, no character in the Netflix original series knows where they — or she — are.

What Happens In Keep Breathing's Season 1 Ending

Melissa Barrera in Keep Breathing

Liv is forced to abandon Sam and George when the latter dies in the crash and the former dies soon after. Alone in the wilderness, Liv endures almost drowning, numerous injuries, hallucinations, and even an encounter with a wild bear that calls to mind Stephen King's The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon . Throughout Keep Breathing season 1, Liv's flashbacks to her tumultuous upbringing and recent romance with a co-worker Danny are interspersed alongside her ordeal in the wilderness. Liv's difficult relationship with her unstable mother, Lucia, was unexpectedly severed when Lucia abandoned Liv and her father in her childhood. After her father's death, Liv discovered that Lucia had been sending postcards announcing her new locations, all of which Liv's father hid from her. After learning she is pregnant, Liv decided to visit her mother to ensure she had not inherited her instability. This led to the Netflix studio show's trip to Inuvik and eventually results in a dehydrated, severely unwell Liv hallucinating a cathartic conversation with her mother in Keep Breathing's penultimate episode.

Who Survives Keep Breathing's Season 1 Ending?

Keep Breathing Melissa Barrera's Liv screams in the wilderness

Very few named characters make it out of Keep Breathing season 1 alive, as the series proves as efficient with dispatching characters as the killers in Barrera's earlier hit Scream 2022. Of the main cast, both Sam and George (the plane's pilot and only other passenger) die, while Liv's father dies during a flashback that establishes her backstory. However, Liv's supportive, loving co-worker Danny survives and the couple even has a child together in the closing moments of the season finale of the Netflix series (wherein Liv's rescue from a river is intercut with her giving birth to a child months after making a full recovery from her ordeal). Meanwhile, Liv's co-worker Ruth presumably survives and her mother Lucia might be alive in Inuvik (although it seems unlikely that Liv will visit her now, having gotten the closure she sought and the reassuring confirmation that she is not her mother from their hallucinated conversation in a cave).

Does Liv Meet Her Mother In Keep Breathing's Ending?


Some of Netflix's surprising twist endings can be frustrating as they seem designed to shock viewers at the expense of credibility, but a well-placed surprise can strengthen the story of the preceding series, which often pays off for many Netflix original shows. For example, in Keep Breathing season 1, the entire purpose of Liv's trip was to meet her mother for the first time since her childhood. As such, it is a huge surprise when Keep Breathing season 1 ends with Liv never being reunited with her mother. When Liv is pulled out of a rushing river by two passing fishermen and brought back to life via CPR, the closing moments of Keep Breathing season 1 reassure viewers that her life will be a less brutal endurance test from here on out.

Audiences see Liv reunited with Danny, giving birth to the couple's child, and smiling as part of the happy new family. However, while this ending leaves little room for a season 2 (unlike Yellowjackets),  it could be a surprise for some viewers that at no point is a reunion between Liv and her mother Lucia depicted in the montage. The Netflix original show has a closing scene that is clearly intended to assuage concerns that Liv's life will continue to be full of brutal hardship (which is a reasonable fear for viewers to have, after the trauma the character has endured in Keep Breathing season 1). However, there is a good reason that Keep Breathing does not reassure viewers with the sight of Liv and her mother happily reunited.

Why Liv Couldn't Meet Her Mother In Keep Breathing's Ending

Melissa Barrera in Keep Breathing

The reason that Liv wanted to reunite with her mother was not to reconcile and discuss Lucia's choice to abandon her daughter years earlier, but rather to ensure that she wouldn't turn out like Lucia. Liv, especially after learning she was pregnant, feared she would grow into her mother. The fear of hereditary mental illness that Hereditary, The Haunting of Hill House, Relic, and other recent psychological horror movies, shows, and stories have explored emerges at this point, as Liv's attempted meeting with her mother is driven by fear rather than any desire to reconnect. As such, in the ending of Keep Breathing season 1, Liv's survival and her optimistic outlook on life prove to her that she has not inherited her mother's instability. The fact that Liv made it through her ordeal and survived its physical traumas, as well as the myriad hallucinations and moments of suicidal ideation, means she no longer fears becoming Lucia, allowing the Keep Breathing  season 1 ending to reassure its heroine.

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